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Rome and Classical Art

Rome and the Crushing of Celtic Art Rome and Classical Art are celebrated and represented as the birthplace and centre of West

Three Zoomorphic Drawings

Incredible Birds and Dogs The Medieval monastery artists were ahead of their time. In this Post I have added three Zoomorph im

Tree of Life

Tree of Life -A Universal Icon I have been thinking about the Tree of Life motif and how it has travelled through the centurie

Monastery Learning in Medieval Europe

Medieval Monks The libraries in the monasteries in Europe in the Medieval Ages in the 5th century kept education and learning

Celtic Warrior

This strange and incredible drawing is from the Book of Kells. The warrior has huge hair and a dark beard and holds a spear an

Runestone with a Viking Myth

Fenris the Wolf and the Apocalypse The animal in this drawing is angry. He strides forward with his tail up and bares his teet

Medieval Hunting Scene

Hilton Cadboll Stone I have painted a medieval hunting scene from the beautiful Hilton Cadboll Stone showing a woman riding si

Pictish Symbol Stones

Pictish Symbols found on Stones There is nothing like a mystery! Symbols we cannot read, and abstracted designs found on stand

Great Beasts from Viking Art

The Great Beasts and the Gripping Beasts of Viking art mark an incredible moment in the imaginative mind of an artist. Today,

Pictish Water Horse

Seahorse Pair  In my drawing the seahorse tail spirals and interlocks and the heads and hooves meet and touch. I have dra

Pagan and Christian Collaboration

In Medieval times the Christian church adopted the pagan people into their practice to teach them about the life of Christ. Th

Viking Beasts

In this post I have added two Viking beast design details. From these simple drawings the different Viking styles reveal that

Gaut’s Stone Cross

Manx Style Chain Knot The real Gaut Stone Cross is weathered and worn, and a copy was made so people can see the intricate lin

Messages from Ancient Stones

Gotland Picture Stone from the Viking Era Ancient stories that belong to a world far removed from technology have horses and g

Ancient Artists with Modern Vision

Squatting Man from the Book of Kells Pagan laws forbade the copying of the work of the Creator and new abstracted figures were

Symbols of Christ from the Book of Kells

This little motif shows three picture symbols and one abbreviation used to represent Christ in the Book of Kells

The Eagle and St John

Tricks and Devices in Drawing The Book of Kells lets us in on many artist tricks and devices. The monks have flattened this im

Viking Dragon Ship

Viking Dragon ships with beautiful towering sails make an incredible icon. They were ships constructed with gigantic overlappi

Animal Letters

In this Post I have added some decorated animal letters from the Book of Kells that were created by the monks. These designs a

How the Monks Wrote with the Animals

Animal Letters from the Book of Kells The monks wrote with the animals by entangling and interlacing animals and body parts ar